All Items for "Algebra I (303)"

Free Online Textbook from CK-12 Further instuctions from the teacher will be provide on the first day of school.

Item Title Marketplace Publisher/Distributor Amazon/Kindle Braves Store iTunes/iOS

TI-84 Graphing Calculator (Models: TI-84 - TI-84 Plus - TI-84 Silver Edition or TI-84 CE) (either new or used)


This Calculator will be taught and used in all levels of Math classes, as well as in some science classes. Any version of the Texas Instruments TI-84 will be sufficient. (TI-84 - TI-84 Plus - TI-84 Silver Edition or TI-84 CE). Do not get any other model number. This calculator will likely be used in college math classes as well. The calculator can be purchased in used condition or from other vendors.

--- --- Amazon/Kindle --- ---

iPad Stylus


Does not need to be an Apple Pencil any stylus works, but if you choose to get an Apple Pencil it needs to be first gen (2nd gen does not work with school iPads)

--- --- Amazon/Kindle --- iBook/iOS

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